An Art Experience Agency
Cultivating Creativity, Innovation & Well-Being In Your Workplace.
Explore 3 unique ArtSnack experiences that simplify your company’s strategy to bring meaningful social value to your diverse teams.
Innovation & Diversity
“We’re standing on the verge of a cultural shift in which the arts can deliver potent, accessible proven health and well-being solutions to billions of people”.
— Ivy Ross, VP Hardware Design, Google & Author, Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us
What the research is saying…
“Art appreciation extended to a business environment, enhanced performance in product design, brand-naming, and problem solution generation”
— Donghwy An, Nara Youn, The Inspirational Power of Arts on Creativity
“The power of artistic interventions in organizations resides in the opening of spaces of possibility, which we call “interspaces” in the formal and informal organization. In these interspaces participants experience new ways of seeing, thinking, and doing things that add value for them personally”
— Ariane Berthoin Antal and Anke Strauß, Artistic Interventions In Organisations: Finding Evidence Of Values-Added
Our Clients
“I really benefited from hearing how my peers and colleagues viewed their work. That was really powerful to me.”
Rachel, Chief of Staff, Credo Health
“A big part of what happens when you interact with a piece of artwork, or when you find something aesthetically pleasing, is that there is an aha! moment where you feel like you’ve seen the world in a new way,”
― Susan Magsamen, Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us